Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion, 2 Volume Set

Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion, 2 Volume Set
Par:Jiujun Zhang,Lei Zhang,Hansan Liu,Andy Sun,Ru-Shi Liu
Publié le 2012-03-27 par John Wiley & Sons

In this handbook and ready reference, editors and authors from academia and industry share their in-depth knowledge of known and novel materials, devices and technologies with the reader. The result is a comprehensive overview of electrochemical energy and conversion methods, including batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, hydrogen generation and storage as well as solar energy conversion. Each chapter addresses electrochemical processes, materials, components, degradation mechanisms, device assembly and manufacturing, while also discussing the challenges and perspectives for each energy storage device in question. In addition, two introductory chapters acquaint readers with the fundamentals of energy storage and conversion, and with the general engineering aspects of electrochemical devices. With its uniformly structured, self-contained chapters, this is ideal reading for entrants to the field as well as experienced researchers.

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ID de livre de Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion, 2 Volume Set's Les livres sont AN3B3L5RtqUC, Livre écrit parJiujun Zhang,Lei Zhang,Hansan Liu,Andy Sun,Ru-Shi Liuavec ETAG "vNGeQFqDjMc"

Livre publié par John Wiley & Sons depuis 2012-03-27 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9783527640072 et ISBN 10 Code est 352764007X

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Livre qui ont "838 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieTechnology and Engineering

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Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion, 2 Volume Set

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